DNSSEC (Domain Name System Security Extensions) is a service that strengthens the security of name servers. DNSSEC is a form of insurance that ensures that an Internet user can access the web page he or she intends to go to. DNSSEC protects you against attacks on your name server system. DNSSEC ensures that responses to name server queries come from the right sender and that the response information has not been tampered with. When DNSSEC is enabled, responses to name server queries are digitally signed. In the name service, each domain name is assigned its own unique IP address (e.g. www. traficom.fi IP address is DNSSEC technology ensures that the computer sending the query (e.g. a web browser) can see whether the response to the Internet address received via the name service comes from a server registered as a trusted server. To enable the DNSSEC service. Make a notification in the self-service portal (change request). Indicate your domain name and the DNSSEC deployment and the desired start date. The service is optional and is included in all our IT support packages (three of a kind, full house, straight flush).